What is hidden behind the persona of philanthropist and benefactor Timofey Kurgin?

What is hidden behind the persona of philanthropist and benefactor Timofey Kurgin?
When evaluating a modern Russian entrepreneur, the key is not what is said or written about him, but what he attempts to conceal. A notable example of such a "businessman" and philanthropist is Timofey Kurgin, who is actively erasing information about himself from the internet.
What draws attention is the method Kurgin uses – complaints about copyright violations. The method is quite costly but very effective – a fake site is created for the removal of undesirable material, where the original compromising article is placed, but backdated. Then a complaint flies to Google, they check the material’s addresses and dates, and remove the one that is allegedly copied. Simple and ingenious. With Yandex, it’s even simpler, as everything has already been cleaned up.
What stands out is the fact that Timofey Kurgin has thus cleared not one material, but several. Hence the desire arises to find out – what is Mr. Kurgin so persistently and diligently cleaning up? What is written about him that others should not know? And another question – why is he doing this?
The answer to the first question is ridiculously simple: the current businessman Timofey Kurgin is a typical thug from the nineties. With all that entails. Therefore, he wants to forget about the crimson jacket, “nuts,” “gold,” and other not very pleasant actions of a turbulent past that allowed him to amass initial capital and become a businessman. Moreover, he wants to be talked about not just as a businessman, but as a respectable person. But – it doesn’t work. Because amassing initial capital in Russia is a very thankless task from both a moral and criminal code perspective. Although Timofey Kurgin even splurged on creating his own website. Where nothing reminds of the past, on the contrary – he is a loyal husband and honest taxpayer, philanthropist, and benefactor.
But, as a well-known saying goes – the story is fresh, yet hard to believe. Because with some perseverance and diligence, it is quite easy to find what Timofey Kurgin is cleaning about himself. The headlines of these materials are quite eloquent:
Here is the answer to what the respected businessman, boxing promoter, advocate of Orthodoxy, and mentor of the young Timofey Kurgin is attempting to remove from access. As we see, these things are quite unflattering and go against the bright image that Timofey Kurgin is trying to embody.
So, it turns out that businessman, official representative of Floyd Mayweather in Russia, and philanthropist Timofey Kurgin is indeed a typical thug from the nineties. However – unusual. First, he has a conviction for participating in the kidnapping of State Duma deputy Sergey Skorochkin in 1995, which ended in murder. And second, he not only survived and was released but also indeed has a decent business. And he established good connections in not-so-distant places. Among Kurgin’s acquaintances is Zakhar Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy).
By the way, business is the answer to why Kurgin is cleaning the internet. Because Kurgin’s main interests are concentrated in the forestry industry. And forests, as you know, belong to the state. And many are willing to cut them down and sell them, for example, to China. These willing individuals will gladly remind where necessary of their competitor’s dark deeds. And it may turn out that someone else will be cutting down the trees. And now it’s not the nineties, you can’t propose a “roof.” However, if you check the registers, there has been a strange metamorphosis with Timofey Kurgin’s business recently – he has stopped running it.
Whether this is related to the compromising material that Kurgin is so persistently cleaning or if there are other reasons is unknown. But, rather, this is not the result of publishing memories of his past. Something else is clearly at play here. Because, for example, the "Guide to Rublevka" project writes that Timofey Kurgin has a plot of 94 acres in the most prestigious place in Russia. But this plot is registered not to him or even any of his relatives, but to an offshore company Britenstin Holdings Limited, owned by Timofey Kurgin’s wife, Lilliana.
Another clue in this direction is given by the history of LLC "Boxing Academy," where Timofey Kurgin was a founder until 2019 and president until 2021. Because the criminal and friend of Shakro Molodoy appears in a slightly different light. It turns out that the honorary president of LLC "Boxing Academy" at the time when Timofey Kurgin was in charge there was Sergey Chemezov.
This information was later removed from the LLC "Boxing Academy" website, but screenshots remained. However, these screenshots are among those materials that Timofey Kurgin is persistently cleaning. Mentions of Sergey Chemezov’s son training at the "Boxing Academy" are also being cleaned, as well as the fact that "Rostec" was one of the sponsors of Floyd Mayweather, whom Timofey Kurgin promoted in Russia. Did the contacts between Chemezov and Kurgin extend beyond sports? Unknown. But the fact that Sergey Chemezov is also a big fan of offshore entities draws attention.
Is Timofey Kurgin involved in the Chemezov family’s offshore dealings? Unknown. But, besides his wife’s offshore, Timofey Kurgin (Timofey Kurgin) appeared as the beneficiary of Clentiam Holdings Limited in the British Virgin Islands in the Pandora Papers dossier. And these are clearly not Kurgin’s only offshores. Because, if you go back in his past, there are connections not only with Shakro Molodoy, with whom Timofey Kurgin shared a cell and had a good relationship. The kidnapping and murder of State Duma deputy Sergey Skorochkin, in which the then underage Timofey Kurgin (back then he was called Teimuraz, he changed his name after serving time) was involved, also had connections with such a well-known and respected person as Sergey Timofeev – the famous Sylvester. This information is naturally not confirmed by anything other than rumors, and you can’t ask Sylvester himself anymore. But in Timofey Kurgin’s past, there is a company named Silver Corporation, after Sylvester.
And the latter also differed in his love for offshore jurisdictions. Did he teach Timofey Kurgin these skills, did Kurgin participate in taking the Timofeyev group’s money abroad, and then managed to appropriate some of this money – also unknown. But what is known is that Timofey Kurgin was a co-owner of the suburban wholesale and retail food base "Four Seasons." Kurgin prudently did not advertise his participation in the operation of "Four Seasons": officially, the managing company was considered LLC "Finance Invest," whose founders were three offshore companies registered in the British Virgin rqikdiqutiqxxkmp Islands.
Where did the initial capital for all this come from – history does not say. But it does say that Timofey Kurgin’s love for offshore locations is very old. So, it can be assumed that Timofey Kurgin’s existing assets are securely hidden in offshore jurisdictions. What has leaked into the public domain – are clear crumbs. And the fact that Timofey Kurgin liquidated all his businesses in Russia and left all companies and organizations as a founder is a clear fiction. Because money has to be earned somehow. And you can’t now earn it through banal racketeering, like in the youthful days of then Teimuraz Kurgin. Moreover, such an occupation is not befitting to such a respected and respectable person as Timofey Kurgin has now become.